On October 11th, 1975, the first episode of an upstart young sketch comedy show called Saturday Night hit the NBC airwaves. It originated because talk show god Johnny Carson wanted...
In 2019, Todd Phillips directed Joker, (very) loosely based on the DC Comics Batman villain. Joaquin Phoenix played Arthur Fleck, a mentally ill societal castoff who finds a new identity...
Like many horror and sci-fi nerds, I grew up with the Alien franchise. My Dad took me to Aliens in 1986, when I was about 11-years-old. At the start of...
The craft beer trend took hold in North America in the last few years and tons of craft beer joints have popped up in Saskatoon. While several local spots are...
NOTE: There are some very minor spoilers in here. Not big reveals, but plot points are discussed. The sleeper has awakened! After a strike-related postponement in 2023, this weekend finally...
I’ve been a fan of English filmmaker Andrew Haigh since his HBO show, Looking, as well as movies like 45, Weekend, and Lean on Pete. With his new film, All...